@proceedings{Code2024, title = {Navigating neurons: A journey through middle school cognition via game-based science inquiry}, author = {J Code and Z Tasabehji and A Lutrin and R Moylan and K Forde and E Donnelly and A Mehta and R Ralph and N Zap}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-16}, urldate = {2024-02-19}, abstract = {Code, J., Tasabehji, Z., Lutrin, A., Moylan, R., Forde, K., Donnelly, E., Mehta, A., Ralph, R. & Zap, N. (2024, June). Navigating neurons: A journey through middle school cognition via game-based science inquiry. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference, Montreal. }, keywords = {Agency for Learning, ALIVE Investigator, formative assessment, learner agency, video games}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{nokey, title = {Teacher candidates’ emerging professional identities: Metaphors of/for teaching}, author = {K Forde}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-16}, urldate = {2024-02-19}, abstract = {Forde, K. (2024, June). Teacher candidates’ emerging professional identities: Metaphors of/for teaching. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference, Montreal.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{nokey, title = {Artificial intelligence and education: Teachers' perspectives and future directions}, author = {R Moylan and J Code and H O'Brien}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-16}, urldate = {2024-02-19}, abstract = {Moylan, R., Code, J., & O'Brien, H. (2024, June) Artificial intelligence and education: Teachers' perspectives and future directions. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference, Montreal. }, keywords = {Artificial Intelligence, Teacher Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{nokey, title = {Agency for learning in middle school science inquiry: A validation study of the AFLQ}, author = {J Code and N El Banna}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-14}, urldate = {2024-02-19}, abstract = {Code, J. & El Banna, N. (2024, June). Agency for learning in middle school science inquiry: A validation study of the AFLQ. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference, Montreal.}, keywords = {Agency for Learning, learner agency}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{nokey, title = { The psychosocial balance of agency in learning environments}, author = {A Lutrin and J Code and D Odic}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-14}, urldate = {2024-06-14}, abstract = {Lutrin, A., Code, J., & Odic, D. (2024, June). The psychosocial balance of agency in learning environments. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference, Montreal}, keywords = {learner agency, learning design, video games}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{nokey, title = {Enabling constraints: Balancing student agency through a novel game}, author = {A Lutrin and J Code and D Odic}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-14}, urldate = {2024-02-19}, abstract = {Lutrin, A., Odic, D. & Code, J. (2024, June). Enabling constraints: Balancing student agency through a novel game. Canadian Game Studies Association Annual Conference, Montreal.}, keywords = {learner agency, video games}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{nokeyc, title = {The psychosocial balance of agency in learning environments}, author = {A Lutrin and J Code and D Odic}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-06-14}, urldate = {2024-02-19}, abstract = {Lutrin, A., Code, J., & Odic, D. (2024, June). The psychosocial balance of agency in learning environments. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference, Montreal}, keywords = {learner agency, learning design, video games}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @article{nokeyg, title = {Qualitative analysis of patient treatment preferences and decisional needs for heart failure medications}, author = {R Turgeon and S Fernando and M Bains and J Code and N Hawkins and S Koshman and L Straatman and M Toma and B MacDonald and M Snow}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/S0735-1097(24)02399-4}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-04-10}, urldate = {2024-04-10}, journal = {Journal of the American College of Cardiology}, volume = {83}, issue = {13}, pages = {S2}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Code2024c, title = {At the heart of resilience: Empowering women’s agency in navigating cardiovascular disease}, author = {J Code}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjco.2023.12.013}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-02-01}, urldate = {2024-02-01}, journal = {CJCOpen}, volume = {6}, issue = {2}, pages = {473-484}, abstract = {Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death among women globally, emphasizing the need for a healthcare approach that empowers women through agency. This review focuses on the critical role of women’s agency in navigating CVD, integrating insights from various fields, including medicine, education, psychology, and sociology. It highlights the shift towards patient-centred care, where women are recognized as key decision-makers, a crucial change given the historical underemphasis on women’s health issues in medical practice. The diagnosis of CVD in women often involves emotional and psychological challenges. Unexpected diagnoses significantly disrupt perceived well-being, and prolonged diagnostic processes lead to professional skepticism and neglect of symptoms, resulting in delayed or inaccurate diagnoses and strained healthcare relationships. Effective management of CVD necessitates continuous self-management and a holistic approach to care, particularly for those with trauma who are at increased risk of cardiac incidents. Empowerment for women with CVD involves promoting self-confidence, autonomy, and active patient participation in healthcare. Implementing comprehensive care models is crucial for improving chronic CVD management, highlighting the need for healthcare systems that prioritize patient agency and empowerment. From the perspective of a woman with lived experience, this article examines the impact of CVD on women’s agency throughout the diagnostic journey. By highlighting women’s agency rather than particular behavioural changes, this review offers a comprehensive analysis that can shape policy, stimulate new research, and foster a more equitable, efficient, and empathetic healthcare system for women with CVD.}, keywords = {heart disease, heart failure, Heart Transplant, literature review, patient agency, Patient Experience, women's health}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @unpublished{codeAcademyProfessionalAgency2024, title = {Beyond the Academy: Professional Agency and What it Means to Be a Scholar}, author = {Jillianne Code and Andrea Webb and Erica Machulak and Kieran Forde and Zahira Tasabehji}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-01-01}, urldate = {2024-01-01}, keywords = {BTA, higher education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {unpublished} } @article{Moylan2023c, title = {Algorithmic futures: An analysis of teacher professional digital competence frameworks through an algorithm literacy lens}, author = {R Moylan and J Code}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2023.2263732}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-01-01}, urldate = {2023-10-10}, journal = {Teachers and Teaching}, pages = {19}, abstract = {Algorithmic systems shape every aspect of our daily lives and impact our perceptions of the world. The ubiquity and profound impact of algorithms mean that algorithm literacy – awareness and knowledge of algorithm use, and the ability to evaluate algorithms critically and exercise agency when engaging with algorithmic systems – is a vital competence for navigating life in the 21st century. Professional digital competence (PDC) frameworks for teachers include technological, pedagogical, and social competence areas and are intended to illustrate the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes for digitally competent teachers. Using document analysis, we undertook a systematised review and evaluation of selected PDC frameworks through the lens of algorithm literacy. This analysis demonstrated that although some aspects of algorithm literacy could be inferred within the PDC frameworks analysed, there is a need for further explicit integration. Just as the DigComp framework for citizens has been updated to recognise the vital importance of understanding algorithmic systems' impact, so should PDC frameworks be revised. Recommendations are provided for incorporating understandings of algorithmic governance and bias and ensuring digital Bildung development in PDC frameworks. Implications for teacher education programs are also discussed.}, keywords = {Algorithm Literacy, document analysis, professional digital competencies, Teacher Education}, pubstate = {forthcoming}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Mamataz2024, title = {Factors affecting healthcare provider referral to heart function clinics: A mixed-method study}, author = {T Mamataz and D Lee and K Turk-Adawi and AM Hajaj and J Code and SL Grace}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1097/jcn.0000000000001029}, year = {2024}, date = {2024-01-01}, urldate = {2024-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing}, volume = {39}, issue = {1}, pages = {18-30}, abstract = {Background Heart failure (HF) care providers are gatekeepers for patients to appropriately access lifesaving HF clinics. Objective The aim of this study was to investigate referring providers' perceptions regarding referral to HF clinics, including the impact of provider specialty and the coronavirus disease pandemic. Methods An exploratory, sequential design was used in this mixed-methods study. For the qualitative stage, semistructured interviews were performed with a purposive sample of HF providers eligible to refer (ie, nurse practitioners, cardiologists, internists, primary care and emergency medicine physicians) in Ontario. Interviews were conducted via Microsoft Teams. Transcripts were analyzed concurrently by 2 researchers independently using NVivo, using a deductive-thematic approach. Then, a cross-sectional survey of similar providers across Canada was undertaken via REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture), using an adapted version of the Provider Attitudes toward Cardiac Rehabilitation and Referral scale. Results Saturation was achieved upon interviewing 7 providers. Four themes arose: knowledge about clinics and their characteristics, providers' clinical expertise, communication and relationship with their patients, and clinic referral process and care continuity. Seventy-three providers completed the survey. The major negative factors affecting referral were skepticism regarding clinic benefit (4.1 ± 0.9/5), a bad patient experience and believing they are better equipped to manage the patient (both 3.9). Cardiologists more strongly endorsed clarity of referral criteria, referral as normative and within-practice referral supports as supporting appropriate referral versus other professionals (Ps < .02), among other differences. One-third (n = 13) reported the pandemic impacted their referral practices (eg, limits to in-person care, patient concerns). Conclusion Although there are some legitimate barriers to appropriate clinic referral, greater provider education and support could facilitate optimal patient access.}, keywords = {heart disease, heart failure, Heart Transplant, mixed methods}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Code2023, title = {Teachers' sense of efficacy during a time of crisis}, author = {J Code and R Moylan and K Forde and R Ralph}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s42330-023-00291-0}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-12-06}, urldate = {2023-05-15}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education}, volume = {23}, pages = {538-558}, abstract = {Technology education (TE) has the creating, making, and doing aspects of human activity at its foundation. This article presents a comparison of the teaching sense of efficacy (TSE) of practising TE teachers and teacher candidates (TC) during a forced switch to emergency remote teaching (ERT). In phase 1, the switch to ERT had a significantly negative effect on TE teachers (N = 42; r = −0.60). In phase 2, TE TCs (N = 16) were similarly affected (r = −0.53). Results of a two-way mixed ANOVA in phase 3 suggest that ERT had a greater negative impact on practising TE teachers’ TSE for student engagement (partial eta squared = 0.11) and classroom management (partial eta squared = 0.19) than it did on TE TCs’ TSE. As novice teachers tend to draw more from contextual factors than mastery experiences, this research suggests that experienced teachers were at a greater loss due to the pandemic than TCs.}, keywords = {Media & Technology in Education, Pandemic Transformed Pedagogy, Teacher Education, Technology Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @online{webbCareerPanel2023, title = {Beyond the Career Panel}, author = {Andrea Webb and Erica Machulak}, url = {https://www.insidehighered.com/opinion/career-advice/2023/08/31/advice-faculty-asked-provide-career-guidance-phds-opinion}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-08-01}, urldate = {2023-08-01}, journal = {Inside Higher Ed}, abstract = {Andrea Webb and Erica Machulak explore four ways faculty members and administrators can foster professional agency among graduate students. As universities across North America become more sensitive to the precarious career prospects of their graduate students, they are increasingly calling upon faculty members to find new ways to prepare Ph.D.s for life beyond the academy. This is acutely challenging for faculty members who have secured tenure-track positions, many of whom did so in a very different labor landscape.}, keywords = {BTA, higher education, premium}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {online} } @inproceedings{moylan_there_2023b, title = {“There is so much I don’t know!”: Future directions for algorithm literacy in teacher education}, author = {R. Moylan and J. Code}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-07-01}, urldate = {2023-07-01}, keywords = {algorithm, Algorithm Literacy}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @online{machulakFindAgencyCommunity2023, title = {Find agency and community within and beyond the academy A Conversation with Andrea Webb and Jillianne Code}, author = {Erica Machulak}, url = {https://www.hikma.studio/podcast-season-3}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-06-15}, abstract = {Find agency and community within and beyond the academy A Conversation with Andrea Webb and Jillianne Code Season 3, Episode 6 How do we create learning communities that offer participants the agency to thrive? This question is at the heart of our “Beyond the Academy” research initiative, in partnership with researchers Andrea Webb and Jillianne Code at the University of British Columbia. Through qualitative and quantitative methods, we have gathered insights from professional learners who know firsthand what it means to teach, be taught and co-create knowledge: PhD Students and alumni. In this episode, we share some of our findings, implications, and next steps for this ongoing work.}, note = {Issued: 2023-06-23}, keywords = {BTA, higher education, professional agency}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {online} } @inproceedings{code_evidence-centred_2023, title = {Evidence-centred game design in assessment for learning in immersive virtual environments}, author = {J. Code and K. Forde and R. Ralph and N. Zap and A. Mehta and C. Chang and Z. Wei and L. Hu and S. Wang and B. Wu}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-05-31}, urldate = {2023-05-01}, keywords = {Agency for Learning, ALIVE Investigator, Evidence centered game design, Falling Skies!, learner agency, video games}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{code_evidence-centred_2023b, title = {Evidence-centred game design in assessment for learning in immersive virtual environments}, author = {J. Code and K. Forde and R. Ralph and N. Zap and A. Mehta and C. Chang and Z. Wei and L. Hu and S. Wang and B. Wu}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-05-31}, urldate = {2023-05-31}, keywords = {Evidence centered game design, learner agency, video games}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{code_head_2023, title = {Head, heart and hands: A multilevel mixed methods study}, author = {J. Code and K. Forde and R. Moylan and R. Ralph}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-05-28}, urldate = {2023-05-31}, keywords = {mixed methods, pandemic pedagogy, Pandemic Transformed Pedagogy, Technology Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{code_head_2023b, title = {Head, heart and hands: A mixed methods study}, author = {J Code and K Forde and R Moylan and R Ralph}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-05-28}, urldate = {2023-05-28}, keywords = {mixed methods, pandemic pedagogy, Technology Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{code_assessment_2023, title = {Assessment for learning in immersive virtual environments: An evidence-centred game design}, author = {J Code and K Forde and R Ralph and N Zap and A Mehta and C Chang and Z Wei and L Hu and S Wang and B Wu}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-05-01}, urldate = {2023-05-01}, organization = {American Educational Research Association}, keywords = {Agency for Learning, ALIVE Investigator, assessment, Evidence centered game design, formative assessment, learner agency, learning design, video games}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{code_impact_2023, title = {The impact of pandemic transformed pedagogy on technology educators: A mixed methods study}, author = {J Code and K Forde and R Moylan and R Ralph}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-05-01}, urldate = {2023-05-01}, organization = {American Educational Research Association Annual Conference}, abstract = {Code, J., Forde, K., Moylan, R, & Ralph, R. (2023). The impact of pandemic transformed pedagogy on technology educators: A multilevel mixed methods study. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. }, keywords = {mixed methods, pandemic pedagogy, Pandemic Transformed Pedagogy, Teacher Education, Technology Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @inproceedings{code_assessment_2023b, title = {Assessment for learning in immersive virtual environments: An evidence-centred game design}, author = {J. Code and K. Forde and R. Ralph and N. Zap and A. Mehta and C. Chang and Z. Wei and L. Hu and S. Wang and B. Wu}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-05-01}, urldate = {2023-05-01}, keywords = {assessment, Evidence centered game design, formative assessment, learner agency, learning design, video games}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inproceedings} } @article{nokeyk, title = {Challenges and opportunities for increasing patient involvement in heart failure self-care programs and self-care in the post-hospital discharge period}, author = {J Butler and M Petrie and M Bains and T Bawtinheimer and J Code and T Levitch and E Malvolti and P Monteleone and P Stevens and J Vafeiadou and C Lam}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-023-00412-x}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-04-01}, urldate = {2023-04-01}, journal = {Research Involvement and Engagement}, volume = {9}, issue = {23}, pages = {1-11}, abstract = {Background People living with heart failure (HF) are particularly vulnerable after hospital discharge. An alliance between patient authors, clinicians, industry, and co-developers of HF programs can represent an effective way to address the unique concerns and obstacles people living with HF face during this period. The aim of this narrative review article is to discuss challenges and opportunities of this approach, with the goal of improving participation and clinical outcomes of people living with HF. Methods This article was co-authored by people living with HF, heart transplant recipients, patient advocacy representatives, cardiologists with expertise in HF care, and industry representatives specializing in patient engagement and cardiovascular medicine, and reviews opportunities and challenges for people living with HF in the post–hospital discharge period to be more integrally involved in their care. A literature search was conducted, and the authors collaborated through two virtual roundtables and via email to develop the content for this review article. Results Numerous transitional-care programs exist to ease the transition from the hospital to the home and to provide needed education and support for people living with HF, to avoid rehospitalizations and other adverse outcomes. However, many programs have limitations and do not integrally involve patients in the design and co-development of the intervention. There are thus opportunities for improvement. This can enable patients to better care for themselves with less of the worry and fear that typically accompany the transition from the hospital. We discuss the importance of including people living with HF in the development of such programs and offer suggestions for strategies that can help achieve these goals. An underlying theme of the literature reviewed is that education and engagement of people living with HF after hospitalization are critical. However, while clinical trial evidence on existing approaches to transitions in HF care indicates numerous benefits, such approaches also have limitations. Conclusion Numerous challenges continue to affect people living with HF in the post–hospital discharge period. Strategies that involve patients are needed, and should be encouraged, to optimally address these challenges.}, keywords = {heart failure, self-care, self-efficacy, self-regulation}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @conference{Samokishyn2023, title = {Algorithm Literacy in the age of ChatGPT}, author = {M Samokishyn and R Moylan }, year = {2023}, date = {2023-03-16}, urldate = {2023-03-16}, address = {Pittsburgh, PA and virtual}, organization = {Association of College and Research Librarians Conference}, keywords = {Algorithm Literacy, Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @misc{Moylan2023b, title = {Close Encounters: A Phenomenological Exploration With Technological Objects}, author = {R Moylan}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-03-03}, urldate = {2023-03-03}, institution = {University of British Columbia}, organization = {ISGP Student Seminar Series}, keywords = {algorithm, Algorithm Literacy, Phenomenology}, pubstate = {forthcoming}, tppubtype = {presentation} } @article{nokeyl, title = {Participating in the peer review process: The Journal of Cardiac Failure construct}, author = {E Joyce and CK Mcillvennan and JH Esquivel and AJ Sauer and ... and J Code and 181–192. 29(2) (2023). .}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2022.11.007}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-02-01}, urldate = {2023-02-01}, journal = {Journal of Cardiac Failure}, volume = {29}, issue = {2}, pages = {181-192}, abstract = {Cardiovascular medicine, and the field of heart failure (HF) in particular, abounds with rapid advances in diagnostics, therapeutics, and implementation, requiring a comprehensive yet efficient pathway to relay these findings to the HF community. To this effect, peer review serves as a cornerstone of academic publishing—to support meaningful scientific inquiry, rigor, and dissemination. The importance of peer review has been particularly highlighted by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic as the scientific community has witnessed more online publications including “pre-peer review” drafts and the retraction of high-profile articles owing to inaccurate data.}, keywords = {heart disease, heart failure, Heart Transplant, peer reivew, research methods}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Ralph2023, title = {Measuring theory of mind (ToM) with preschool-aged children: storybooks and observations with iPads}, author = {R Ralph and J Code and S Petrina}, doi = {10.1080/09669760.2019.1685468}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01-01}, urldate = {2023-01-01}, journal = {International Journal of Early Years Education}, volume = {31}, issue = {1}, pages = {251-268}, abstract = {Theory of Mind (ToM) is an individual’s ability to understand the cognitive states of others, including their desires, beliefs, and knowledge. ToM describes how children, by the age of four, understand how others may be thinking or feeling. It is the ability to understand the thinking or viewpoints of their peers. This paper will describe ToM levels with preschool-aged children (n = 5). The current research used a storybook task battery to measure children’s ToM, as well as developed observational measures, focused on three domains from the task battery. Results of this exploratory study indicate that three of the children had a high level of ToM while the other two were low, as they were not of age. Results also indicate that ToM was observed but challenging to measure as it is primarily an internal process. Future studies can use these suggested tools in conjunction to get a better understanding of ToM with groups preschool-aged children.}, keywords = {21st century learning, educational technology, iPads, learning design, preschool, qualitative}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Lannon2022, title = {Patient and caregiver perspectives of the connection between home and the transplant journey}, author = {H Lannon and J Code and J Poole and C Simpson and V Bath}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrtlng.2022.10.008}, year = {2023}, date = {2023-01-01}, urldate = {2022-10-28}, journal = {Heart & Lunch}, volume = {57}, pages = {1-6}, abstract = {Background: For many heart failure patients, a heart transplant is required. Few hospitals in Canada perform heart transplants; thus, patients and caregivers must relocate to access transplant care. Objective: This study explores Canadian patients’ and caregivers’ experiences of to access transplant care and how patients and caregivers define home. The study's goal is to gain insights from the patient and caregiver experience and identify opportunities to improve the experience for those who relocate to access heart transplants. The research question was: How is the concept of home connected to the heart transplant journey? Methods: We conducted 18 interviews with advanced heart failure patients and caregivers, to explore patient and caregiver experiences of relocating to access transplant care. Patients and caregivers ranged in ages from 20′s to 60′s and had left their home of origin to move to a new location where medical care was available. 7 patients were male, 3 were female. All caregivers were female. Results: Patients and caregivers identified three supports during relocation: other patients and caregivers, medical team and family. Patients and caregivers defined home as friends, family, community, warmth, safety, belonging and comfort. Conclusion During relocation, patients and caregivers were supported by: other patients and caregivers, their medical team and family, and how these people made them feel: safe, warm, comfortable and that they belonged is how they defined home. The supports and definitions of home are connected; thus, a sense of home is inextricably linked to the transplant journey for patients and caregivers.}, keywords = {heart failure, Heart Transplant, Patient Experience}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @online{nokey, title = {Learning with and through community}, author = {K Forde}, url = {https://www.hikma.studio/blog/learning-with-and-through-community}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-11-01}, journal = {Hikma Collective}, keywords = {BTA, higher education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {online} } @article{Code2022e, title = {Automated digital counselling with social network support as a novel intervention for patients with heart failure: protocol for a randomized controlled trial}, author = {R Peiris and H Ross and C Chan and S Poon and B Auguste and V Rac and M Farkouh and M McDonald and J Kaczorowski and J Code and Others}, url = {https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/12/9/e059635}, doi = {10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059635}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-10-07}, urldate = {2022-10-07}, journal = {BMJ Open}, volume = {12}, issue = {9}, pages = {e059635}, abstract = {Introduction. Heart failure (HF) symptoms improve through self-care, for which adherence remains low among patients despite the provision of education for these behaviours by clinical teams. Open Access Digital Community Promoting Self-Care, Peer Support and Health Literacy (ODYSSEE–vCHAT) combines automated digital counselling with social network support to improve mortality and morbidity, engagement with self–care materials, and health-related quality of life. Methods and analysis. Use of ODYSSEE-vCHAT via Internet-connected personal computer by 162 HF patients will be compared with a control condition over 22 months. The primary outcome is a composite index score of all-cause mortality, all-cause emergency department visits, and HF-related hospitalisation at trial completion. Secondary outcomes include individual components of the composite index, engagement with self-care materials, and patient-reported measures of physical and psychosocial well-being, disease management, health literacy, and substance use. Patients are recruited from tertiary care hospitals in Toronto, Canada and randomised on a 1:1 ratio to both arms of the trial. Online assessments occur at baseline (t=0), months 4, 8 and 12, and trial completion. Ordinal logistic regression analyses and generalised linear models will evaluate primary and secondary outcomes. Ethics and dissemination. The trial has been approved by the research ethics boards at the University Health Network (20-5960), Sunnybrook Hospital (5117), and Mount Sinai Hospital (21-022-E). Informed consent of eligible patients occurs in person or online. Findings will be shared with key stakeholders and the public. Results will allow for the preparation of a Canada-wide phase III trial to evaluate the efficacy of ODYSSEE-vCHAT in improving clinical outcomes and raising the standard of outpatient care.}, keywords = {heart failure, RCT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @workshop{Forde2022, title = { Digital tattoos and privacy}, author = {K Forde and R Moylan and J Code}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-08-26}, organization = {Science World STEAM Days of Summer}, abstract = {Forde, K., Moylan, R., & Code, J. (2022, August). Digital tattoos and privacy [Invited presentation]. Science World STEAM Days of Summer, Vancouver, BC.}, keywords = {Digital Tattoo, Privacy, Teacher Education, Workshop}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {workshop} } @workshop{Forde2022b, title = {Digital tattoos and privacy}, author = {K Forde and R Moylan and J Code}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-08-26}, organization = {Science World STEAM Days of Summer}, abstract = {Forde, K., Moylan, R., & Code, J. (2022, August). Digital tattoos and privacy [Invited presentation]. Science World STEAM Days of Summer, Vancouver, BC.}, keywords = {Digital Tattoo, Privacy, Teacher Education, Workshop}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {workshop} } @workshop{Moylan2022, title = {Learner agency and algorithm literacy}, author = {R Moylan and J Code and K Forde}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-08-25}, organization = {Science World STEAM Days of Summer}, abstract = {Moylan, R., Code., J. & Forde, K. (2022, August). Learner agency and algorithm literacy [Invited presentation]. Science World STEAM Days of Summer, Vancouver, BC.}, keywords = {Agency for Learning, Algorithm Literacy, Workshop}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {workshop} } @workshop{Moylan2022b, title = {Learner agency and algorithm literacy}, author = {R Moylan and J Code and K Forde}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-08-25}, organization = {Science World STEAM Days of Summer}, abstract = {Moylan, R., Code., J. & Forde, K. (2022, August). Learner agency and algorithm literacy [Invited presentation]. Science World STEAM Days of Summer, Vancouver, BC.}, keywords = {Agency for Learning, Algorithm Literacy, Workshop}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {workshop} } @article{Code2022c, title = {From patient to agent}, author = {J Code}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2022.04.007}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-07-01}, urldate = {2022-06-17}, journal = {Journal of Cardiac Failure}, volume = {8}, number = {7}, pages = {1230-1234}, keywords = {advocacy, autoethnography, editorial, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Code0000, title = {A disorienting dilemma: Teaching and learning in technology education during a time of crisis}, author = {J Code and R Ralph and K Forde}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s42330-022-00191-9}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-02-25}, urldate = {2022-02-25}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education}, volume = {22}, pages = {170–189}, abstract = {The way individuals interpret and reinterpret their experience is central to meaning-making and to teaching learning. Grounded in Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory, this research explores whether pandemic-related emergency remote teaching manifested in a disorienting dilemma for technology educators. Educators negotiated curricular outcomes between physical aspects of making and doing and design and creative problem solving resulting in a pandemic transformed pedagogy. Thematic analysis revealed that making and doing was severely challenged due to decreased communication, student motivation and engagement. However, most concerning to educators was the heightened disparity in equity and access in their most vulnerable and at-risk students. Titre : Un dilemme déstabilisant : Enseigner et apprendre dans la formation en technologie en période de crise Résumé : La manière dont les individus interprètent et renouvellent le sens de leur expérience est fondamentale au processus de recherche de significations et cela a des incidences sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage. Ancrée dans la théorie de l’apprentissage transformationnel de Mezirow, cette étude vise à déterminer si l’enseignement à distance en tant que mesure d’urgence liée à la pandémie a causé un « dilemme déstabilisant » pour les formateurs en technologie. Les enseignants ont négocié des résultats d’apprentissage situés entre certains aspects physiques du « faire et mettre en pratique » et ont adopté une approche créative dans la résolution de problèmes par réflexion conceptuelle, ce qui a donné lieu à une pédagogie transformée par la pandémie. L’analyse thématique a démontré que le « faire et mettre en pratique » a été grandement éprouvé par la diminution dans les communications, la baisse de motivation des étudiants ainsi que de leur engagement. Toutefois, le plus inquiétant pour les enseignants, c’est la disparité grandissante en ce qui a trait aux questions d’équité et d’accès qui touchent leurs étudiants les plus vulnérables et les plus à risque. L’on connait bien peu de choses sur les conséquences d’une façon d’être qui est chaotique sur les apprenants et les enseignants évoluant dans des conditions qui favorisent la peur et le traumatisme. Bien que nous ne puissions pas prédire en quoi consistera la « nouvelle normalité » dans les écoles ni quels seront les effets à long terme de l’enseignement à distance comme mesure d’urgence, notre étude montre que le dilemme déstabilisant que la COVID-19 nous apporte continuera de façonner la pédagogie transformée par la pandémie pour les formateurs en technologie.}, keywords = {Pandemic Transformed Pedagogy}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Code2022, title = {A disorienting dilemma: Teaching and learning in technology education during a time of crisis}, author = {J Code and R Ralph and K Forde}, doi = {10.1007/s42330-022-00191-9}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-01-21}, urldate = {2022-01-21}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education}, abstract = {The way individuals interpret and reinterpret their experience is central to meaning-making and to teaching learning. Grounded in Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory, this research explores whether pandemic-related emergency remote teaching manifested in a disorienting dilemma for technology educators. Educators negotiated curricular outcomes between physical aspects of making and doing and design and creative problem solving resulting in a pandemic transformed pedagogy. Thematic analysis revealed that making and doing was severely challenged due to decreased communication, student motivation and engagement. However, most concerning to educators was the heightened disparity in equity and access in their most vulnerable and at-risk students.}, keywords = {21st century learning, disorienting dilemma, ERT, Media &amp; Technology in Education, Mezirow, online learning, pandemic pedagogy, Pandemic Transformed Pedagogy, self-efficacy, Technology Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Code2021b, title = {Academic success online: Mediating the effects of personality and self-efficacy in online learning}, author = {J Code and N Zap and R Ralph}, url = {Preprint available at: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-901632/v1}, doi = {https://www.learntechlib.org/p/212813/}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-11-01}, urldate = {2021-11-01}, journal = {International Journal on E-Learning}, volume = {20}, issue = {4}, pages = {377-410}, keywords = {Agency for Learning, Media & Technology in Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @proceedings{Code2021, title = {Designerly ways, means, and ends: From STEM to STEAM to STEAMD}, author = {J Code and K Forde and S Petrina and R Ralph and J Zhao}, editor = {D Anderson and M Milner-Bolotin}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-09-01}, urldate = {2021-09-01}, address = {Vancouver, Canada}, institution = {University of British Columbia}, organization = {STEM2021 International Conference}, abstract = {In this symposium, five panelists provide conceptual and empirical direction for exploring designerly ways, means, and ends in STEM educational research. STEM and STEAM are inadequate without recognition of the uniqueness of design. The first paper explores methodological innovations with point-of-view wearable cameras and a group of pre-schoolers. The paper addresses how and why children share, or may be reluctant to do so, as they design with digital technologies, from their point of view. The second paper explores preservice teachers’ design of the digital self or professional image. Preservice teachers in this research inform researchers’ understandings of design considerations and concerns that young professionals process as they curate their image through social media. The third paper explores instructional designers’ experiences in a 3D virtual world design for the acquisition of cultural competence. Their insights challenge STEM education researchers to account for cultural nuances in design research. The fourth paper explores evidence-centred game design through a focus on Falling Skies!, which presents students with the problem of a mass mortality event. Drawing on a framework of inquiry-based learning and agency, the game challenges students to investigate why this happened. The fifth and final paper argues for an explicit role for design in STEM, perhaps as STEAMD. The paper draws from Cross’s argument that design is unique in its ways of knowing.}, keywords = {ALIVE Investigator, Falling Skies!}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{Code2021c, title = {Assessment for learning in immersive and virtual environments: Evidence-centered game design in STEM}, author = {J Code and K Forde and R Ralph and N Zap}, editor = {D Anderson and M Milner-Bolotin}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-09-01}, urldate = {2021-09-01}, address = {Vancouver, Canada}, institution = {University of British Columbia}, organization = {STEM2021 International Conference}, abstract = {Creative thinking, problem-solving and inquiry skills are primary goals of teaching and learning. This paper reports on the development of an authentic performance assessment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), Falling Skies!, built around an ecological, inquiry-based problem – where students are presented with the issue of a mass mortality event and are challenged to investigate why this happened. Assessment for Learning in Immersive Virtual Environments (ALIVE; alivelab.ca) is a research program that examines how 3D immersive virtual environments (3DIVEs), as assessments for learning, is designed to enable students to regulate their science inquiry abilities in real-time. Specifically, this project explores the use of 3DIVEs to provide feedback through the formative assessment of inquiry reasoning in the context of middle school life science. Ultimately, the ALIVE project aims to contribute empirical evidence of how students conduct complex logic, assisting them to become better self-regulated learners, thus providing a sense of personal agency, efficacy, and opportunity necessary to participate in STEM careers.}, keywords = {Agency for Learning, ALIVE Investigator, assessment, Evidence centered game design, Falling Skies!, formative assessment, learner agency}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{Code2021d, title = {Designerly ways, means, and ends: From STEM to STEAM to STEAMD}, author = {J Code and K Forde and S Petrina and R Ralph and J Zhao}, editor = {D Anderson and M Milner-Bolotin}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-07-01}, urldate = {2021-07-01}, address = {Vancouver, BC}, institution = {University of British Columbia}, organization = {STEM in Education 2021}, keywords = {Evidence centered game design, formative assessment, immersive learning, learner agency, learning analytics, science inquiry}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{Code2021cb, title = {Assessment for learning in immersive and virtual environments – Evidence centred game design in STEM}, author = {J Code and K Forde and R Ralph and N Zap}, editor = {D Anderson and M Milner-Bolotin}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-07-01}, urldate = {2021-07-01}, address = {Vancouver, BC}, organization = {STEM in Education 2021}, abstract = {Creative thinking, problem-solving and inquiry skills are primary goals of teaching and learning. This paper reports on the development of an authentic performance assessment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), Falling Skies!, built around an ecological, inquiry-based problem – where students are presented with the issue of a mass mortality event and are challenged to investigate why this happened. Assessment for Learning in Immersive Virtual Environments (ALIVE; alivelab.ca) is a research program that examines how game-based 3D immersive virtual environments (3DIVEs), as assessments for learning, aren designed to enable students to regulate their science inquiry abilities in real-time. Specifically, this project explores the use of 3DIVEs to provide feedback through the formative assessment of inquiry reasoning in the context of middle school life science. Ultimately, the ALIVE project aims to contribute empirical evidence of how students conduct complex logic, assisting them to become better self-regulated learners, thus providing a sense of personal agency, efficacy, and opportunity necessary to participate in STEM careers.}, keywords = {Evidence centered game design, formative assessment, immersive learning, learner agency, learning analytics, science inquiry}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @article{Code2021bb, title = {Academic success online: Mediating the effects of personality and self-efficacy in online learning}, author = {J Code and N Zap and R Ralph}, url = {https://www.learntechlib.org/p/212813}, doi = {https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0406651}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-05-01}, urldate = {2021-05-01}, journal = {International Journal on E-Learning}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {377-410}, abstract = {Academic success in any context is dependent upon a student's belief in their ability to succeed. While learning online, a students’ self-efficacy is affected by their confidence in their ability to interact within the online environment. With the proliferation of personalized learning and the growth of Massive Open Online Courses, this growing trend is a shift in focus from the centralized brick-and-mortar locus of control, to one of enabling student choice and agency for how, when, and where they learn. In the pre-pandemic setting, this research study examined the personality types of students enrolled in eight sections of four online courses in educational technology, and the role self-efficacy for learning online played in their academic performance. Key findings reveal that personality affects learners’ academic achievement is moderately significant, self-efficacy for online learning affects learners’ academic achievement in a small but significant way, and student conscientiousness and academic performance were significantly and fully mediated by self-efficacy for learning online while controlling for gender and English language proficiency. There were no mediation effects with the other personality traits. A discussion around learning design strategies is provided. The authors recommend that institutions adopt more flexible learning options for teaching and learning that include both online and blended learning options that provide student’s choice and agency over the learning experience but also enable the institution to be better equipped for what the uncertain future of education holds.}, keywords = {educational technology, learning design, mediation, online learning, personality, quantitative, self-efficacy, survey research}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Ross2021, title = {The use of text messaging to improve the hospital-to-community transition in acute coronary syndrome patients (Txt2Prevent): Results from a pilot randomized controlled trial}, author = {E Ross and B Sakakibara and M Mackay and D Whitehurst and J Singer and M Toma and K Corbett and K Rutherford and B Gheorghiu and J Code and S Lear}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.2196/24530}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-05-01}, urldate = {2021-05-01}, journal = {Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {e24530}, abstract = {Background: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a leading cause of hospital admission in North America. Many patients with ACS experience challenges after discharge that impact their clinical outcomes and psychosocial well-being. Text messaging has the potential to provide support to patients during this post-discharge period. Objective: This study pilot-tested a 60-day text-messaging intervention (Txt2Prevent) for patients with ACS. The primary objective was to compare self-management domains between usual care and usual care plus Txt2Prevent. The secondary objectives were to compare medication adherence, health-related quality of life, self-efficacy, and healthcare resource use between groups. The third objective was to assess the feasibility of the study protocol and the acceptability of the intervention. Methods: This was a randomized controlled trial with blinding of outcome assessors. We recruited 76 patients with ACS from St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada and randomized them to one of two groups within seven days of discharge. The Txt2Prevent program included automated one-way text messages about follow-up care, self-management and healthy living. Data was collected during the index admission and at 60-days after randomization. The primary outcome was measured with the Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ). Other outcomes included the EQ-5D-5L, EQ visual analogue scale, Sullivan Cardiac Self-Efficacy Scale, Morisky Medication Adherence Scale and self-reported healthcare resource use. Analyses of covariance were used to test the effect of group assignment on follow-up scores (controlling for baseline) and were considered exploratory in nature. Feasibility was assessed with descriptive characteristics of the study protocol. Acceptability was assessed with two survey questions and semi-structured interviews. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the groups for the heiQ domains (adjusted mean difference: health directed activity: –0.13 [95% confidence interval (CI): –0.39-0.13]; positive and active engagement in life: 0.03 [95% CI: –0.19-0.25]; emotional distress: 0.04 [95% CI: –0.22-0.29]; self-monitoring and insight: 0.14 [95% CI: –0.33-0.05]; constructive attitudes and approaches: –0.10 [95% CI: –0.36- 0.17]; skill technique and acquisition: 0.05 [95% CI: –0.18-0.27]; social integration and support: –0.12 [95% CI: –0.34-0.19]; health services navigation: –0.05 [95% CI: –0.29-0.19]). For the secondary outcomes, there were no statistically significant differences in adjusted analyses except in one self-efficacy domain (‘Total Plus’), where the Txt2Prevent group had lower scores (mean difference: –0.36 [95% CI: –0.66 to -0.50]). The study protocol was feasible although recruitment took longer than expected. Over 90% of participants reported they were satisfied with the program. Conclusions: The Txt2Prevent study was feasible to implement; however, although exploratory, there were no differences between the two groups in adjusted analyses except for one self-efficacy domain. As the intervention appeared acceptable, there is potential in using text messages in this context. The design of the intervention may need to be reconsidered to have more impact on outcome measures. Clinical Trial: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02336919}, keywords = {ehealth, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Ross2021b, title = {User experiences with a pilot text messaging intervention aimed to support patients with acute coronary syndrome after discharge}, author = {E Ross and B Sakakibara and M Mackay and D Whitehurst and J Singer and M Toma and K Corbett and K Rutherford and B Gheorghiu and J Code and S Lea}, url = {https://res.cloudinary.com/ibtnetwork/image/upload/v1590348569/virtual%20posters%20ibtn%202020/Ross_IBTN_2020_Abstract_Qual_v3.pdf https://res.cloudinary.com/ibtnetwork/image/upload/v1590348569/virtual%20posters%20ibtn%202020/Ross_IBTN2020_Poster_v3.pdf}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-05-01}, urldate = {2021-05-01}, journal = {Annals of Behavioral Medicine}, publisher = {Annals of Behavioral Medicine}, abstract = {Background: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a leading cause of hospital admission. Many patients with ACS experience challenges after discharge. Text messaging (SMS) has the potential to reach these patients; however, there is limited knowledge about the effectiveness and acceptability of SMS programs during this period. Objectives: To assess the acceptability of and users’ experiences with a pilot SMS intervention that aims to support patients with ACS after discharge. Methods: Seventy-six participants were recruited as inpatients and were randomized at discharge to receive usual care or a 60-day SMS program that included automated one-way messages with information on follow-up care, self-management and healthy living. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 18 participants who received the messages. Using thematic analysis, we identified themes regarding the program’s design, user engagement, and the program’s impact. Results: Overall, participants liked the design and 90% indicated they were satisfied or very satisfied with the program. Many stated they looked forward to the messages and 95% read all the messages indicating high engagement. Perceived impacts of the program included making participants feel their recovery process was normal, feeling as if they were receiving social support, and reinforcing that they were on the right track. However, some participants did not feel they benefited much and as such did not change their behaviours. Conclusion: The SMS program was well received and acceptable to most participants; however, not all felt that it impacted their recovery.}, keywords = {ehealth, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Forde2020, title = {Tech ed during COVID-19: Safety, engagement, and access}, author = {K Forde and R Ralph and J Code}, url = {https://jillianne.ca/2020-teachernewsmag-teched-during-covid-19/}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-09-21}, journal = {Teacher Magazine}, volume = {Sept / Oct}, keywords = {Teacher Education, Technology Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{code2020pandemic, title = {Pandemic designs for the future: Perspectives of technology education teachers during COVID-19}, author = {J Code and R Ralph and K Forde}, url = {https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ILS-04-2020-0112/full/pdf?title=pandemic-designs-for-the-future-perspectives-of-technology-education-teachers-during-covid-19}, doi = {10.1108/ILS-04-2020-0112}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-07-08}, urldate = {2020-07-08}, journal = {Information and Learning Sciences}, volume = {121}, number = {5/6}, pages = {419-431}, publisher = {Emerald Publishing Limited}, abstract = {Purpose The disruption caused by the pandemic declaration and subsequent public health measures put in place have had a substantial effect on teachers’ abilities to support student engagement in technology education (TE). The purpose of this paper is to explore the following research question: How do TE teachers see emergency remote teaching (ERT) transitions to blended learning into the next academic year affecting their profession? Design/methodology/approach A snowball and convenience sampling design was used to recruit specialist teachers in TE through their professional organization and were asked to respond to the question: What are your concerns about the future of teaching TE remotely? The qualitative data collected from the participants (N = 42) was analyzed thematically (Braun and Clarke, 2006). Findings The analysis revealed that the switch to ERT impacted the teachers’ ability to support hands-on competency development owing to inequitable student access to tools, materials and resources, all of which affected student motivation and engagement. As a result, teachers raised questions about the overall effectiveness of online learning approaches and TE’s future and sustainability if offered completely online. Originality/value This research is the first of its kind exploring the experiences of TE teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In answer to the challenges identified by teachers, the authors offer a blended learning design framework informed by pandemic transformed pedagogy that can serve as a model for educators to use when designing blended instruction.}, keywords = {Pandemic Transformed Pedagogy}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{code2020pandemicb, title = {Pandemic designs for the future: Perspectives of technology education teachers during COVID-19}, author = {J Code and R Ralph and K Forde}, url = {https://jillianne.ca/10-1108_ils-04-2020-0112/}, doi = {10.1108/ILS-04-2020-0112}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-07-08}, urldate = {2020-07-08}, journal = {Information and Learning Sciences}, volume = {121}, number = {5/6}, pages = {419-431}, publisher = {Emerald Publishing Limited}, abstract = {Purpose The disruption caused by the pandemic declaration and subsequent public health measures put in place have had a substantial effect on teachers’ abilities to support student engagement in technology education (TE). The purpose of this paper is to explore the following research question: How do TE teachers see emergency remote teaching (ERT) transitions to blended learning into the next academic year affecting their profession? Design/methodology/approach A snowball and convenience sampling design was used to recruit specialist teachers in TE through their professional organization and were asked to respond to the question: What are your concerns about the future of teaching TE remotely? The qualitative data collected from the participants (N = 42) was analyzed thematically (Braun and Clarke, 2006). Findings The analysis revealed that the switch to ERT impacted the teachers’ ability to support hands-on competency development owing to inequitable student access to tools, materials and resources, all of which affected student motivation and engagement. As a result, teachers raised questions about the overall effectiveness of online learning approaches and TE’s future and sustainability if offered completely online. Originality/value This research is the first of its kind exploring the experiences of TE teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In answer to the challenges identified by teachers, the authors offer a blended learning design framework informed by pandemic transformed pedagogy that can serve as a model for educators to use when designing blended instruction.}, keywords = {21st century learning, educational technology, ERT, learning design, mixed methods, qualitative, self-efficacy, Teacher Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @conference{Code2020e, title = {The democratization of heart failure: Connecting voices from Canada's other pandemic}, author = {J Code}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-06-19}, publisher = {EMPOWER-HF Virtual Roundtable}, address = {Toronto, ON [Virtual]}, organization = {University of Toronto}, abstract = {Code, J. (2020, June). The democratization of heart failure: Connecting voices from Canada's other pandemic. In H. Ross (Chair), EMPOWER-HF Virtual Roundtable, Toronto, ON.}, keywords = {autoethnography, democratization, heart failure, learner agency, RCT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @article{Behan2020, title = {The binding force: A practical model for building and maintaining the coach-athlete relationship in Canadian intercollegiate team sport}, author = {C Behan and J Meldrum and B Pinel and J Code}, doi = {10.15520/ijcrr.v11i05.807}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-05-01}, urldate = {2020-05-01}, journal = {International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review}, volume = {11}, number = {5}, pages = {20205-20226}, abstract = {Coaches at Canadian post-secondary institutions have immense responsibilities: operating a successful sport program, managing the academic and athletic success of their athletes and ultimately delivering results, in other words, winning. “When athletes first join a team, they begin to familiarize themselves with their coach, the coach-athlete relationship, the environment, and the system” (Becker, 2009 p. 97) the athlete will compete in. Successful coaches are consistent in who they are (coach attributes), and how they maintain relationships, manage the team environment and carry out their system (Becker, 2009); they provide a stable environment in order to develop the overall person and student-athlete. To date, the coach-athlete relationship remains to be an area of further exploration within team sport. The coach-athlete relationship is currently defined as a situation shaped by coaches’ and athletes’ interconnected feelings, thoughts, and behaviors (Jowett, 2005, 2007; Jowett & Poczardowski, 2007). This study addresses the need for a more systematic qualitative understanding of the coach-athlete relationship through the eyes of champion post-secondary team sport coaches. The emergence of various themes within the relationship are discussed, demonstrating a reciprocal bond that leads to, and continually feeds the connection between the coach and athlete, even afterward, once it has been established. The importance of the coach-athlete relationship, its impact, development, and maintenance are discussed.}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Behan2020b, title = {Reciprocating Coach-Athlete Relationship Model (R-CARM): Trustworthiness for a Useful Tool}, author = {C Behan and J Meldrum and B Pinel and J Code}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.15520/ijcrr.v11i05.808}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-05-01}, journal = {International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review}, volume = {11}, number = {5}, pages = {20227-20266}, abstract = {Coach-athlete relationships are the fundamental fabric that binds a team together, impacts performance and athlete behavior in order to succeed in the competitive environment. Numerous authors suggest that an effective coach-athlete relationship is necessary for a successful outcome (Lafrenière, Jowett, Vallerand, & Carbonneau, 2011 Shields, Gardner, Bredemeier, & Bostro, 1997) and it is conceivable that the key to a successful coach-athlete relationship is the development of human relationships by the coaches (Jowett & Cockerill, 2003; Philippe et al., 2011). Therefore “the most important encounter (in sport) may be the one between the athlete and their coach” (Ayer, 2015, p. 28). This relationship is dynamically unique and complex, it can vary in both depth and quality, and is one that simultaneously influences and is influenced by a number of variables and contexts (Ayer, 2015; Allen & Eby, 2012; Jowett & Poczwardowski, 2007). Broadly the coach-athlete the relationship is defined as a situation in which two individual’s (coach and athlete) feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are mutually and causally interdependent (Jowett & Meek, 2000).Research has shown that the athletes’ perceptions of their coaches’ behaviors have an impact on academics, performance, actions, leadership, morals, and beliefs (Horn, Bloom, Berglund, & Packard, 2011; Jowett & Cockerill, 2003;); plausibly, athletes can be manipulated by the coachathlete relationship (Felton & Jowett, 2013; Philippe, Sagar, Huguet, Paquet, & Jowett, 2011).}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @misc{Pellegrini2020b, title = {Social media in heart failure: A mixed methods systematic review.}, author = {D Pellegrini and Y Eliya and A Gavert and J Code and H G C Van Spall}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-03-04}, abstract = {Pellegrini, D., Eliya, Y., Gavert, A., Code, J., & Van Spall, H. (2020, March). Social media in heart failure: A mixed methods systematic review. Poster session at the American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting (ACC.20), Chicago, Il, USA. (CA)}, note = {American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting (ACC.20), Chicago, Il, USA.}, keywords = {heart failure, mixed methods, social media, systematic review}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {presentation} } @article{code2020agency, title = {Agency for learning: Intention, motivation, self-efficacy and self-regulation}, author = {J Code}, doi = {10.3389/feduc.2020.00019}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-02-26}, urldate = {2020-02-26}, booktitle = {Frontiers in Education}, journal = {Frontiers in Education}, volume = {5}, pages = {19}, organization = {Frontiers}, abstract = {Agency is inherent in students’ ability to regulate, control, and monitor their own learning. A learners’ effectiveness in regulating their cognitive, affective, and behavioural processes as they interact within the learning environment is critical to their academic success. This article advances a theory of learner agency, or agency for learning (AFL), as an emergent capacity that is intentional, self-generated, and reactive to social factors in the learning context. This article further traces the development of the Agency for Learning Questionnaire (AFLQ) and examines the internal consistency, predictive validity, and psychometric properties covering four dimensions of agentic functioning including intentionality (planfulness, decision competence), forethought (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation), self-regulation, and self-efficacy. The results of this research demonstrate that the AFLQ provides a reliable, valid, multidimensional measure of AFL based on existing theoretical and empirical findings, advancing both theory and practice. Understanding how agency develops and emerges within learning environments is a key factor in identifying why learning occurs enabling educational psychologists to potentially identify, measure, and study agentic processes in the context of learning across a variety of research designs.}, keywords = {Agency for Learning}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{code2020agencyb, title = {Agency for learning: Intention, motivation, self-efficacy and self-regulation}, author = {J Code}, doi = {10.3389/feduc.2020.00019}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-02-26}, booktitle = {Frontiers in Education}, journal = {Frontiers in Education}, volume = {5}, pages = {19}, organization = {Frontiers}, abstract = {Agency is inherent in students’ ability to regulate, control, and monitor their own learning. A learners’ effectiveness in regulating their cognitive, affective, and behavioural processes as they interact within the learning environment is critical to their academic success. This article advances a theory of learner agency, or agency for learning (AFL), as an emergent capacity that is intentional, self-generated, and reactive to social factors in the learning context. This article further traces the development of the Agency for Learning Questionnaire (AFLQ) and examines the internal consistency, predictive validity, and psychometric properties covering four dimensions of agentic functioning including intentionality (planfulness, decision competence), forethought (intrinsic and extrinsic motivation), self-regulation, and self-efficacy. The results of this research demonstrate that the AFLQ provides a reliable, valid, multidimensional measure of AFL based on existing theoretical and empirical findings, advancing both theory and practice. Understanding how agency develops and emerges within learning environments is a key factor in identifying why learning occurs enabling educational psychologists to potentially identify, measure, and study agentic processes in the context of learning across a variety of research designs.}, keywords = {AFLQ, forethought, intention, learner agency, learning design, motivation, quantitative, self-efficacy, self-regulation, survey research}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @inbook{ralph2020too, title = {Too many apps to choose from: Using rubrics to select mobile apps for preschool}, author = {R Ralph and P Pennefather and J Code and S Petrina}, editor = {S Papadakis and M Kalogiannakis}, doi = {10.4018/978-1-7998-1486-3.ch002}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-01-01}, urldate = {2020-01-01}, booktitle = {Mobile Learning Applications in Early Childhood Education}, pages = {20--38}, publisher = {Information Science Reference/IGI Global}, chapter = {2}, abstract = {Substantive research investigates the effects and impacts of tablets, in particular iPads, on children’s education, but few papers discuss support for teachers in deciding which iPad applications can be integrated into the classroom. Even fewer articles are directed towards application developers. This chapter explores two standards for choosing apps for children—the four-pillar model of Hirsh-Pasek et al. (2015) and the rubric for the evaluations of educational apps for preschool children (REVEAC) by Papadakis, Kalogiannakis, and Zaranis (2017). This chapter draws from two standards for choosing iPad applications for young children in the classroom and through analysis of two applications will propose the REVEAC for educators and developers while also suggesting specific features that developers could consider when targeting children under 5 years old in educational contexts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)}, keywords = {Media & Technology in Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inbook} } @article{pellegrini2020social, title = {Social media in heart failure: A mixed methods systematic review}, author = {D Pellegrini and Y Eliya and A B Gevaert and J Code and H G C Van Spall}, doi = {10.1016/S0735-1097(20)34163-2}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-01-01}, journal = {Journal of the American College of Cardiology}, volume = {75}, number = {11 Supplement 1}, pages = {3536}, publisher = {Journal of the American College of Cardiology}, abstract = {Background Among social media (SoMe) platforms, Twitter and YouTube have gained popularity, facilitating communication between cardiovascular professionals and patients. This mixed methods systematic review aimed to assess the source profile and content of Twitter and YouTube posts about heart failure (HF). Methods We searched PubMed, Embase, and Medline using the terms “cardiology”, “social media”, and “heart failure”. We included full-text manuscripts published between January 1, 1999 and April 14, 2019. We searched Twitter and YouTube posts using the hashtags “#heartfailure”, “#HF”, or “#CHF” on May 15, 2019 and July 6, 2019. We performed a descriptive analysis of the data. Results Three publications met inclusion criteria, providing 677 tweets for source profile analysis; institutions (54.8%), health professionals (26.6%), and patients (19.4%) were the most common source profiles. The publications provided 1,194 tweets for content analysis: 83.3% were on education of professionals; 33.7% on patient empowerment; and 22.3% on research promotion. Our search of Twitter and YouTube generated 2,252 tweets and over 400 videos, of which we analyzed 260 tweets and 260 videos. Sources included institutions (53.5% Twitter, 64.2% YouTube), health professionals (42.3%, 28.5%), and patients (4.2%, 7.3%). Content included education of professionals (39.2% Twitter, 62.3% YouTube), patient empowerment (20.4%, 21.9%), research promotion (28.8%, 13.1%), advocacy of professionals (5.8%, 2.7%), and research collaboration (5.8%, 0%). Conclusion Twitter and YouTube are platforms for knowledge translation in HF, with contributions from institutions, health professionals, and less commonly, patients. Both focus largely on education of professionals and less commonly, on patient empowerment. Twitter includes more content on research promotion, research collaboration, and professional advocacy than YouTube. Footnotes Poster Contributions Posters Hall_Hall A Saturday, March 28, 2020, 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Session Title: Spotlight on Special Topics: Education and Training 2 Abstract Category: 42. Spotlight on Special Topics: Education and Training Presentation Number: 1174-278}, keywords = {heart failure, mixed methods, social media, systematic review}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{roston2020heart, title = {Heart failure in the young: The patient perspective and lived-experience}, author = {T M Roston and M Bains and J Code and S A Virani}, doi = {10.22374/cjgim.v15iSP1.418}, year = {2020}, date = {2020-01-01}, journal = {Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine}, volume = {15}, number = {SP1}, pages = {36–39}, abstract = {Heart failure (HF) is an often-debilitating syndrome that carries a lifelong burden of increased morbidity and mortality. While most affected individuals are elderly with ischemic heart disease, there are subsets of younger individuals who will develop HF. In this group, non-ischemic causes of cardiomyopathy are more common, optimal therapies are less clear, and the personal and societal impact is often greater. The lived-experience of younger patients highlights several unmet needs not addressed by large HF trials that influence survival, personal and financial wellness and return to activities of daily living. In Canada, there is an increasing focus on the patient perspective, especially amongst young individuals, when devising guidelines, policies and promoting advocacy in HF. This article describes the lived-experience of HF through the case example of a young patient, summarizes the clinical challenges in this age-group, and discusses opportunities to elevate the patient experience of care as a performance indicator.}, keywords = {autoethnography, heart failure, lived experience}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @conference{Code2019d, title = {The role of mental health studies in cardiovascular trials}, author = {J Code and P Gunther}, editor = {C Chauhan and D Janssen}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-12-02}, address = {Washington, DC}, organization = {16th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT)}, abstract = {Code, J. & Gunther, P. (2019, December). The role of mental health studies in cardiovascular trials. In C. Chauhan & D. Janssen (Chairs), Empowering patients to be active participants in clinical trials. Invited panel at the 16th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT), Washington, DC, USA.}, keywords = {autoethnography, heart failure, RCT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @conference{Code2019c, title = {How to report and critique major trials in cardiology from a statistical perspective, including recent statistical advances – Patient viewpoints}, author = {J Code and J Sloan}, editor = {S Pocock and J Gregson}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-12-01}, address = {Washington, DC}, organization = {16th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT)}, abstract = {Code, J. & Sloan, J. (2019, December). How to report and critique major trials in cardiology from a statistical perspective, including recent statistical advances – Patient viewpoints. In S. Pocock & J. Gregson (Chairs), CVCT Masterclass. Invited panel at the 16th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT), Washington, DC, USA.}, keywords = {autoethnography, heart failure, RCT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @conference{Code2019e, title = {Patient reported outcomes: Why CV prevention trials are critical for patients}, author = {J Code and M Verbakel}, editor = {B Pitt and H Ventura}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-12-01}, address = {Washington, DC}, organization = {16th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT)}, abstract = {Code, J. & Verbakel, M. (2019, December). Patient-reported outcomes: Why CV prevention trials are critical for patients. In B. Pitt & H. Ventura (Chairs), Diet, hypertension and CV prevention trials. Invited panel at the 16th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT), Washington, DC, USA.}, keywords = {autoethnography, RCT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @conference{Code2019f, title = {Shifting the research to action paradigm: The complex connections among cardiovascular disease, stroke and vascular cognitive impairment}, author = {J Code and Others}, editor = {Heart Stroke Foundation}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-10-27}, address = {Montreal, QUE}, organization = {Canadian Cardiovascular Congress}, abstract = {Code, J. et al. (2019, October). Shifting the research to action paradigm: The complex connections among cardiovascular disease, stroke and vascular cognitive impairment [Panel]. Invited panel at the Heart and Stroke Foundation Spotlight Session at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Montreal, QUE.}, keywords = {autoethnography, heart failure, RCT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @misc{Code2019j, title = {The heart failure continuum and the lived experience: Perspectives from diagnosis through transplant and beyond}, author = {J Code and H Ross}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-10-26}, abstract = {Code, J. & Ross, H. (2019, October). The heart failure continuum and the lived experience: Perspectives from diagnosis through transplant and beyond [Chairs]. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Montreal, QUE.}, note = {Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Montreal, QUE.}, keywords = {21st century learning, auto, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {presentation} } @conference{Code2019g, title = {Unbundled learning with heart failure}, author = {J Code}, editor = {R Starling and S Zieroth}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-10-20}, urldate = {2019-10-20}, address = {Philadelphia, PA}, organization = {Heart Failure Society of America Annual Meeting}, abstract = {Code, J. (2019, September). Unbundled learning with heart failure. In R. Starling and S. Zieroth (Chairs), Barriers to implementation of new therapies. Invited panel at the Heart Failure Society of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA.}, keywords = {Unbundled Learning}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @proceedings{Code2019b, title = {A preliminary exploration of the effects of personality and self-efficacy for online learning in higher education}, author = {J Code and N Zap}, editor = {T Bastiaens}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-08-31}, urldate = {2019-08-31}, publisher = {edmedia + innovate learning}, address = {Amsterdam, Netherlands}, organization = {AACE}, keywords = {Agency for Learning}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @proceedings{Code2019bb, title = {A preliminary exploration of the effects of personality and self-efficacy for online learning in higher education}, author = {J Code and N Zap}, editor = {T Bastiaens}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-08-31}, publisher = {edmedia + innovate learning}, address = {Amsterdam, Netherlands}, organization = {AACE}, keywords = {higher education, learning design, mediation, mixed methods, online learning, personality, self-efficacy, survey research, Teacher Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {proceedings} } @misc{Code2019k, title = {Patient and family carer round table}, author = {J Code and M Bains}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-05-18}, abstract = {Code, J. & Bains. M. (2019, May). Patient and family carer round table [Chairs]. Heart Failure Update 2019, Montreal, QUE.}, note = {Heart Failure Update 2019, Montreal, QUE.}, keywords = {autoethnography, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {presentation} } @misc{Code2019i, title = {Design and Validation of the Agency for Learning Questionnaire Across Multiple Contexts}, author = {J Code}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-04-06}, urldate = {2019-04-06}, abstract = {Code, J. (2019, June). Design and Validation of the Agency for Learning Questionnaire Across Multiple Contexts. Presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.}, note = {Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada}, keywords = {Agency for Learning}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {presentation} } @misc{Code2019ib, title = {Design and Validation of the Agency for Learning Questionnaire Across Multiple Contexts}, author = {J Code}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-04-06}, abstract = {Code, J. (2019, June). Design and Validation of the Agency for Learning Questionnaire Across Multiple Contexts. Presentation at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada.}, note = {Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada}, keywords = {AFLQ, assessment, IRT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {presentation} } @conference{Code2019h, title = {Patient-led advocacy to support health system transformation and improved heart failure care}, author = {J Code}, editor = {A Krahn and J Pineiro and P Torres}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-03-17}, address = {New Orleans, LA}, organization = {American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting (ACC.19)}, abstract = {Code, J. (2019, March). Patient-led advocacy to support health system transformation and improved heart failure care. In A. Krahn, J. Pineiro & P. Torres (Chairs), Heart failure advocacy and international perspectives. Invited symposium at the American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting (ACC.19), New Orleans, LA, USA.}, keywords = {advocacy, autoethnography, heart failure, social media}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @article{Jillianne_Code64288027, title = {Measuring theory of mind (ToM) with preschool-aged children: storybooks and observations with iPads}, author = {R Ralph and J Code and S Petrina}, doi = {10.1080/09669760.2019.1685468}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-01-01}, urldate = {2019-01-01}, journal = {International Journal of Early Years Education}, abstract = {Theory of Mind (ToM) is an individual’s ability to understand the cognitive states of others, including their desires, beliefs, and knowledge. ToM describes how children, by the age of four, understand how others may be thinking or feeling. It is the ability to understand the thinking or viewpoints of their peers. This paper will describe ToM levels with preschool-aged children (n = 5). The current research used a storybook task battery to measure children’s ToM, as well as developed observational measures, focused on three domains from the task battery. Results of this exploratory study indicate that three of the children had a high level of ToM while the other two were low, as they were not of age. Results also indicate that ToM was observed but challenging to measure as it is primarily an internal process. Future studies can use these suggested tools in conjunction to get a better understanding of ToM with groups preschool-aged children.}, keywords = {Media & Technology in Education}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Code2019, title = {I am the clinical trial}, author = {J Code}, year = {2019}, date = {2019-01-01}, journal = {JACC: Heart Failure}, volume = {7}, number = {5}, pages = {439-441}, keywords = {autoethnography, clinical trial, heart failure, qualitative}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @conference{Code2018, title = {CV Trial related questions patients want answered}, author = {J Code and Others &}, editor = {C Chauhan and A Lenselink}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-12-02}, address = {Washington, DC}, organization = {15th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT)}, abstract = {Ahmed, C., Chauhan, C., Code, J., Dahlgren, K., Jefferson, N. et al. (2018, December). CV Trial related questions patients want answered [Panel, listed alphabetically]. In C. Chauhan & A. Lenselink (Chairs), Invited panel at the 15th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT), Washington, DC, USA.}, keywords = {autoethnography, heart failure, RCT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @conference{Abraham2018, title = {Ongoing heart failure trials: Looking into the crystal ball}, author = {W Abraham and A Alonso and J Code and B Clagget and M Cowie and J Januzzi and C Rapezzi and A Zeiher}, editor = {C Felker and C O'Connor}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-12-02}, address = {Washington, DC}, organization = {15th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT)}, abstract = {Abraham, W., Alonso, A., Code, J., Clagget, B., Cowie, M., Januzzi, J., Rapezzi, C., & Zeiher, A. (2018, December). Ongoing heart failure trials: Looking into the crystal ball [Panel, listed alphabetically]. In C. Felker & C. O'Connor (Chairs), Invited panel at the 15th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT), Washington, DC, USA.}, keywords = {heart failure, RCT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @misc{Virani2018, title = {What patient advocacy means in 2018}, author = {S A Virani and J Code}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-05-26}, abstract = {Virani, S., & Code, J. (2018, May). What patient advocacy means in 2018 [Invited Session]. In Heart Failure Update, Canadian Heart Failure Society, Toronto, ON.}, note = {Heart Failure Update, Canadian Heart Failure Society, Toronto, ON}, keywords = {advocacy, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {presentation} } @article{Virani_2017, title = {The need for heart failure advocacy in Canada}, author = {S A Virani and M Bains and J Code and A Ducharme and K Harkness and J G Howlett and H Ross and B Sussex and S Zieroth}, doi = {10.1016/j.cjca.2017.08.024}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-11-01}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Cardiology}, volume = {33}, number = {11}, pages = {1450–1454}, publisher = {Elsevier BV}, keywords = {advocacy, editorial, heart failure, viewpoint}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @conference{Code2017d, title = {Heart failure advocacy: Engaging in a three-pronged approach to healthcare transformation from a patient, provider, and systems perspective}, author = {J Code and S A Virani}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-10-22}, address = {Vancouver, BC}, organization = {Canadian Cardiovascular Congress}, abstract = {Code J. & Virani, S. (2017, October). Heart failure advocacy: Engaging in a three-pronged approach to healthcare transformation from a patient, provider, and systems perspective [Plenary]. Canadian Cardiovascular Society Public Policy Plenary Session at Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Vancouver, BC.}, keywords = {advocacy, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @conference{Code2017b, title = {The lived experience of cardiovascular nursing: A patient’s perspective}, author = {J Code and R Pike}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-10-14}, address = {Vancouver, BC}, organization = {Canadian Council for Cardiovascular Nurses Fall Conference}, abstract = {Code, J. & Pike, R. (2017, October). The lived experience of cardiovascular nursing: A patient’s perspective [Keynote]. In Canadian Council for Cardiovascular Nurses Fall Conference, Vancouver, BC.}, keywords = {autoethnography, heart failure, lived experience}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @conference{Code2017c, title = {A patient’s voice}, author = {J Code}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-06-04}, abstract = {Code, J. (2017, June). A patient’s voice [Keynote]. In M. Toma, K. Ramanathan & H. Nazzari (Chairs), UBC Heart Failure Symposium, Vancouver, BC.}, keywords = {autoethnography, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @conference{Catlin2017, title = {The evolution of BC's provincial heart failure‎ strategy: It's influence on clinical practice and patient care}, author = {B Catlin and J Code}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-05-28}, address = {Victoria, BC}, organization = {Canadian Council for Cardiovascular Nurses Spring Conference}, abstract = {Catlin, B. & Code, J. (2017, May). The evolution of BC's provincial heart failure‎ strategy: It's influence on clinical practice and patient care [Keynote]. In Canadian Council for Cardiovascular Nurses Spring Conference, Victoria, BC.}, keywords = {autoethnography, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {conference} } @misc{Code2017e, title = {The who, what, why & how of advocacy for heart failure patients}, author = {J Code}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-05-20}, abstract = {Code, J. (2017, May). The who, what, why & how of advocacy for heart failure patients [Invited Session]. In Heart Failure Update, Canadian Heart Failure Society, Toronto, ON.}, keywords = {advocacy, autoethnography, heart failure}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {presentation} } @article{Code2017, title = {Assessment in immersive virtual environments: Cases for learning, of learning, and as learning}, author = {J Code and N Zap}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-01-01}, urldate = {2017-01-01}, journal = {Journal of Interactive Learning Research}, volume = {28}, number = {3}, pages = {235-248}, keywords = {ALIVE Investigator, Falling Skies!}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{PMID:28536088, title = {The use of text messaging to improve the hospital-to-community transition in acute coronary syndrome patients (Txt2Prevent): Intervention development and pilot randomized controlled trial protocol}, author = {E Ross and B M Sakakibara and M H Mackay and D G Whitehurst and J Singer and M Toma and K K Corbett and H G C Van Spall and K Rutherford and B Gheorghiu and J Code and S A Lear}, doi = {10.2196/resprot.6968}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-01-01}, journal = {JMIR research protocols}, keywords = {educational technology, heart failure, mixed methods, RCT}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{Code2017f, title = {Assessment in immersive virtual environments: Cases for learning, of learning, and as learning}, author = {J Code and N Zap}, doi = {https://dx.doi.org/10.14288/1.0406650}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-01-01}, urldate = {2017-01-01}, journal = {Journal of Interactive Learning Research}, volume = {28}, number = {3}, pages = {235-248}, keywords = {21st century learning, educational technology, immersive environments, learning design, qualitative}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } @article{nokeym, title = {Patient-centered adult cardiovascular care: A scientific statement of the American Heart Association}, author = {M Goldfarb and M Saylor and B Bozkurt and J Code and K Di Palo and A Durante and K Flanary and R Creber and M Ogunniyi and F Rodriguez and M Gulati}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1161/CIR.0000000000001233}, journal = {Circulation}, volume = {149}, keywords = {}, pubstate = {forthcoming}, tppubtype = {article} }