81 entries « 4 of 5 »



Code, J, Zap, N

A preliminary exploration of the effects of personality and self-efficacy for online learning in higher education Proceedings

AACE edmedia + innovate learning, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019.

BibTeX | Tags: Agency for Learning


Code, J, Zap, N

A preliminary exploration of the effects of personality and self-efficacy for online learning in higher education Proceedings

AACE edmedia + innovate learning, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2019.

BibTeX | Tags: higher education, learning design, mediation, mixed methods, online learning, personality, self-efficacy, survey research, Teacher Education


Code, J, Bains, M

Patient and family carer round table Presentation

2019, (Heart Failure Update 2019, Montreal, QUE.).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: autoethnography, heart failure


Code, J

Design and Validation of the Agency for Learning Questionnaire Across Multiple Contexts Presentation

2019, (Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Agency for Learning


Code, J

Design and Validation of the Agency for Learning Questionnaire Across Multiple Contexts Presentation

2019, (Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: AFLQ, assessment, IRT


Code, J

Patient-led advocacy to support health system transformation and improved heart failure care Conference

American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting (ACC.19) New Orleans, LA, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: advocacy, autoethnography, heart failure, social media


Ralph, R, Code, J, Petrina, S

Measuring theory of mind (ToM) with preschool-aged children: storybooks and observations with iPads Journal Article

In: International Journal of Early Years Education, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Media & Technology in Education | Links:


Code, J

I am the clinical trial Journal Article

In: JACC: Heart Failure, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 439-441, 2019.

BibTeX | Tags: autoethnography, clinical trial, heart failure, qualitative



Code, J, &, Others

CV Trial related questions patients want answered Conference

15th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT) Washington, DC, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: autoethnography, heart failure, RCT


Abraham, W, Alonso, A, Code, J, Clagget, B, Cowie, M, Januzzi, J, Rapezzi, C, Zeiher, A

Ongoing heart failure trials: Looking into the crystal ball Conference

15th Global Cardiovascular Clinical Trialists Forum (CVCT) Washington, DC, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: heart failure, RCT


Virani, S A, Code, J

What patient advocacy means in 2018 Presentation

2018, (Heart Failure Update, Canadian Heart Failure Society, Toronto, ON).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: advocacy, heart failure



Virani, S A, Bains, M, Code, J, Ducharme, A, Harkness, K, Howlett, J G, Ross, H, Sussex, B, Zieroth, S

The need for heart failure advocacy in Canada Journal Article

In: Canadian Journal of Cardiology, vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 1450–1454, 2017.

BibTeX | Tags: advocacy, editorial, heart failure, viewpoint | Links:


Code, J, Virani, S A

Heart failure advocacy: Engaging in a three-pronged approach to healthcare transformation from a patient, provider, and systems perspective Conference

Canadian Cardiovascular Congress Vancouver, BC, 2017.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: advocacy, heart failure


Code, J, Pike, R

The lived experience of cardiovascular nursing: A patient’s perspective Conference

Canadian Council for Cardiovascular Nurses Fall Conference Vancouver, BC, 2017.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: autoethnography, heart failure, lived experience


Code, J

A patient’s voice Conference


Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: autoethnography, heart failure


Catlin, B, Code, J

The evolution of BC’s provincial heart failure‎ strategy: It’s influence on clinical practice and patient care Conference

Canadian Council for Cardiovascular Nurses Spring Conference Victoria, BC, 2017.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: autoethnography, heart failure


Code, J

The who, what, why & how of advocacy for heart failure patients Presentation


Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: advocacy, autoethnography, heart failure


Code, J, Zap, N

Assessment in immersive virtual environments: Cases for learning, of learning, and as learning Journal Article

In: Journal of Interactive Learning Research, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 235-248, 2017.

BibTeX | Tags: ALIVE Investigator, Falling Skies!


Ross, E, Sakakibara, B M, Mackay, M H, Whitehurst, D G, Singer, J, Toma, M, Corbett, K K, Spall, H G C Van, Rutherford, K, Gheorghiu, B, Code, J, Lear, S A

The use of text messaging to improve the hospital-to-community transition in acute coronary syndrome patients (Txt2Prevent): Intervention development and pilot randomized controlled trial protocol Journal Article

In: JMIR research protocols, 2017.

BibTeX | Tags: educational technology, heart failure, mixed methods, RCT | Links:


Code, J, Zap, N

Assessment in immersive virtual environments: Cases for learning, of learning, and as learning Journal Article

In: Journal of Interactive Learning Research, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 235-248, 2017.

BibTeX | Tags: 21st century learning, educational technology, immersive environments, learning design, qualitative | Links:

81 entries « 4 of 5 »

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